Setting up NAS for bro's business...
#synology #synologynas #nas #seagate #seagateironwolf #hdd #leatherman #leathermanwave #leathermanwaveplus #multitool
We’re anticipating fine weather this summer and the Crimson staff and students need more outdoor seating. therealbencrowe to the rescue to prove it’s not just guitars he builds. 😅
#crimsonguitars #summer #outdoors #picnicbenches leathermanuk #leathermantools #leathermanratchetdriver #ratchetdriver #leathermancharge
The Opinel had to tag out to the Surge today. 😉Sometimes the job calls for more than a knife.🔪 ____________________________________________________#edc #edcgear #edcmultitool #multitool #industrial #industrialmanufacturing #leathermantools #lathermansurge #leathermanmultitool #multitoolmonday #edccommunity
Even though I am an all-time Leatherman & multitools fan, I hardly post anything related, as I had only owned one LT PST II that my father gave me on my 15th birthday. These tools are so well made that until now, I could not justify buying a second one; after all, that PST served me flawlessly over 20 years.
Luckily, thanks to eduardoredondosolano from Outside Survival Shop, we can now get the latest Leatherman models at US prices, right here in Costa Rica. I definitely had to take the opportunity to put together a general-purpose multitool kit that I wanted for quite some time now.
Why the Surge? Well, given the intention, I started considering full-size multitools with spacious sheaths that allowed me to carry other useful gadgets, however, this was not the only spec requirement I was looking for. From the PST experience, I wanted my new LT to have a safe all-locking mechanism, large bit driver (to use with new ratchet driver and bit kit), blade and file exchanger (compatible with T-shank jigsaw blades), replaceable wire cutters and outside-opening XL scissors. These last considerations made me discard the Wave+ and go all-in for the Surge.
What other gadgets are needed? Probably none, but this is where personal application, preferences and creativity takes place. You can use my (or any other enthusiast) kit as reference to build your own configuration. Shown contents are the following:
- Leatherman Surge Multitool: includes nylon sheath with accesory pockets to carry everything shown here
- Leatherman Ratchet Driver
- Leatherman Bit Kit: only one fits the sheath
- Streamlight Microstream USB flashlight
- Bosch T118A Jigsaw blade: for metal
- Zip-ties: 6 small and 2 medium
- Duct tape: 2"x8"
- Bandaids: bc sharp blades 😅
- Microcord lanyard: for easier manipulation
Extra Tip: the Surge comes with a hidden lanyard eye, that you can push-out with some effort next to the interchangeable blade/file base.
Let me know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding this topic and I will gladly comment further on.
#Leatherman #Surge #Streamlight #MicrostreamUSB #Multitool #MultitoolKit #DIY #Gadgets #Ratchet #BitDriver #BitKit
Heavy carry the other day at work.
#leathermantools #leathermancollectorsclub