The sun has yet to peak its way over the mountains—the air is crisp and hints of gold peek through patches of green on the landscape.
My partner Dave and I have found ourselves on an unfamiliar, bone-jarring dirt road—the kind of road that leaves you feeling like a bobblehead on the dashboard. Some local insight gleaned from a nearby town a few days earlier led us down this path. Despite the rugged tracks, my anticipation is growing—partly because I want to get off this dirt road, partly because at the end of this dirt road is a new stretch of river to explore. Finally, after one last washboarded corner, a small creek appears. And just as we had hoped, there isn’t another soul in sight.

Jean-Marie Bousquet and Photographer Dave Reilly
Certain lakes, streams, rivers and creeks just feel “fishier" than others—this was certainly one of those waters. Large willows hanging over deep pools and plentiful pockets of calm water make it difficult to contain my excitement. But, before making my first cast, I take a seat on the river a safe distance away from a suspecting honey hole. I pull out my travel stove from my pack and carefully fill it with water, cranking the heat until the water begins to boil. The coffee grinds can’t find their way to the pot fast enough. I give the grounds a quick stir all while keeping a close eye on the nearby hole to observe any activity.
I haven’t always been this patient, though—a younger me would have already started casting by now. I spot a trout sipping ever so slightly below an overhanging willow.

Jean-Marie Bousquet and Photographer Dave Reilly
I continue to watch, and once again, another slurp this time a bit bigger, I take a sip of coffee, and again, I see a gentle rise from the hole. One more sip of coffee and I quietly pick up my fly rod, making a surprisingly accurate cast—I’m not a natural born angler by any means, but I do have my moments—and an eager and willing trout sips my fly.

Jean-Marie Bousquet and Photographer Dave Reilly
My name is Jean-Marie, also known as Bug—a family given nickname that’s stuck since childhood—and a story for another time. My morning cup of coffee, traveling with a fly rod in hand, and eating good food outside are just a few things that make my world go round. I, along with my partner, Dave, will be bringing you monthly adventures. Whether it be with a fly-rod in hand, a snowboard strapped to our feet, or cooking a hot meal over a campfire, we are excited to share our adventures with you.
Follow Jean on Instagram: @thejeanbug
Follow Dave on Instagram: @the_lifeofreilly_

Jean-Marie Bousquet and Photographer Dave Reilly